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- Independent Study Students in grades TK-3 will be provided synchronous (two-way communication) instruction for up to 30 minutes per day with a certificated independent study teacher.
- Independent Study Students in grades 4-8 will be provided synchronous (two-way communication) instruction up to 30 minutes weekly. Also, students in grades 4-8 will be provided daily live interaction which may take place in-person or in the form of internet or telephone communication.
- Daily asynchronous (independent) instruction will be from 4-5 hours daily and equal the amount of daily instructional time within the In-Person pathway at school. When an independent study student needs assistance during asynchronous instruction, that assistance can be provided by their parent or certificated teachers employed by our independent study vendor.
- Program transitions back into the in-person pathway may occur following a student-parent-educator conference.
- Independent Study Students will be provided with a device and hotspot as needed to access the online independent study curriculum.
- Independent Study Students will need an adult in their home throughout their instructional day to help guide and assist them with this Independent Study Program.
Once a parent/guardian has decided to pursue the SUSD course-based independent study program, you can begin the enrollment process by contacting the principal at your home school. Following that contact, the principal will set up a parent conference to explain the independent study program, complete an independent study master agreement, introduce you to independent study parent orientation materials, and loan you a laptop device and hot-spot if needed. Once that process has been completed, an SUSD independent study support teacher will contact the parent/guardian to introduce themselves and inform you of asynchronous instruction schedule (daily K-3; weekly 4-8)
If there comes a time where a parent/guardian would like their student to return to in-person learning, please contact your home school principal to schedule a parent conference. Once that contact is received the school will contact you within 5 business days with a date your student may return to in-person instruction.
Inter District Transfer Students on Long-Term Independent Study
If for any reason, your student is disenrolled from our Independent Study Program, they would be required to register to attend the school of residence within the school district in which you reside.
Parents/guardians may request Short-Term Independent Study at their child's school of attendance. The request must be in writing and approved by the site administrator prior to the absence. The duration is a minimum of 3 consecutive school days up to and including 20 school days in a school year. All student work shall be submitted upon return to receive academic and attendance credit.
The criteria to participate in Short-Term Independent Study reads, as follows: vacation; funeral; out-of-state/country travel; religious purposes; child care issues; family emergencies; extended illness; pregnancy; custody situations, and/or; student safety issues.